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List Price: $20.99
Our Price: $16.79
Savings: $4.20
Author: Rabbi Aryeh Leib Lopiansky
Pages: 321
Binding: Paperback
Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
Publisher: ArtScroll Mesorah Publications

Product Code: SHADEPB

This work came about in a unique way, and that helps explain why it is so uniquely successful. Rabbi Aryeh Leib Lopiansky teaches Chumash to American students in Israel. They needed Torah thoughts to present at the tables of their Shabbos hosts, and he undertook to provide them -- two for each of the three Shabbos meals.

Perfectionist that he is, Rabbi Lopiansky searched long and hard to find the thoughts that would be most provocative and well received. Deciding that he would choose selections based on halachic interpretation, he sifted through countless books, researched the sources, corrected errors, clarified ideas -- in short, he became a living source for the sort of Torah comments that set a table with a lavish selection of Shabbos Delights.

There is one more major ingredient in the success of this collection -- the author. Rabbi Lopiansky is a man of impeccable taste in making choices and he has a master teacher’s ability to present them clearly and interestingly.

His students won acclaim for their teacher. Word got around that there was a teacher in Jerusalem who crafted not only subject matter, but also students. People wanted copies of the short discourses that added so much zest to countless Shabbos tables. Of such requests this book was born.

In this work, Rabbi Lopiansky sets our own Shabbos tables with his highly praised work. Gratefully, we thank him for these rich helpings of Shabbos Delights, and we look forward to enjoying and sharing them with our families and guests.

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