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List Price: $19.99
Our Price: $15.99
Savings: $4.00
Author: Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser
Pages: 224
Binding: Hardcover
Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
Publisher: ArtScroll Mesorah Publications

Product Code: SOM2S

“Please, say a few words.”

An innocent, sincere request that strikes terror in many a heart. “I’m not prepared.” “Where can I find a quick idea?” “If only I had a story to fit the occasion!”

This book is the answer to many such prayers.

But it’s much more than a speaker’s manual. This is a book that will be enjoyable reading for every day of the year. It is a response to popular demand. It began with the popularity of Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser, a charismatic teacher who has won a host of followers through the magnetism of his personality and the fascinating content of his speeches and articles.

“Collect some of your talks in book form,” people asked. Here it is!

Rabbi Goldwasser goes through all the weekly sidras in the Torah, and gives us three brief thoughts on each one. Each selection, with hardly an exception, includes a Torah idea, embellished or illustrated by a story. It’s a perfect daily companion -- pick it up for a fascinating scan whenever you have a few minutes aching to be filled with something enjoyable and worthwhile. Use it at the Shabbos table. Browse through it when you need an idea for a talk or an insight to share with a companion.

To make this book even more useful, Rabbi Goldwasser has appended an index to classify the subjects according to occasions: bris, sheva berachos, bar mitzvah, and so on.

Anyone who has ever listened to Rabbi Goldwasser needs no further inducement. For those who have never heard him, met him, or read him, this book is a golden opportunity to make the acquaintance of one of today’s most popular exponents of the Torah way of life. When you read this book, you’ll know why.

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